
It’s been a weird couple weeks. Between both of my jobs, patient census has been really low, so neither hospital has needed me to work in almost 2 weeks. It was fun the first week, but going on to the second week I began to feel more anxious, lonely at night with Sam working evenings,…

Joanna Gaines & Hot Chocolate

Lately my life has felt a bit joyless. Not completely, of course, but just a general state of unhappiness. And tonight, in an attempt to re-establish some joy back into my life and pretend that everything is okay, I gathered Joanna Gaines’ latest magazine issue, a hallmark Christmas movie, some hot chocolate and sat down…

The Climbing Plant

This afternoon, I just needed to get out of my apartment so I headed to a coffee shop with two books, a pen, a notebook, and no plan. I found myself on the patio with a vanilla latte, crying out (writing out… same thing) to God. Lately, these days have felt like “dead days” –…

A Sacred Season

I am not a patient person (just ask my husband), I don’t enjoy waiting, and I hate being late and not having a plan. However, patience, waiting, and uncertainty have been defining my life since May 1st. As far back as I can recall, I’ve thrived on lists, planners, schedules, my favorite pens, time management…

Baptism by Bubble Bath

Yesterday was much like any other day of my winter break – busy & productive. After getting my morning going, I was out the door for a dentist appointment, then stopping at a scrub uniform store before heading to one of my favorite coffee shops to get some work done. Every single table was taken,…

On This Day 2 Years Ago…

Two years ago today, my dad was re-diagnosed with cancer. I think it goes without saying that it was the worst day of my life (but don’t worry, I promise this post has a hopeful ending!). I remember so much about that day… the nerves I had waiting for my mom and dad to get…

Why I Got Baptized at 24

September 17, 2017 will now forever be a very special day to me – the day I was baptized!! I was actually baptized as a baby by the choice of my parents, which I love and appreciate, and I have considered myself a “Christian” my entire life in that I have always accepted Jesus as…

In A Hurry To Heal

Before I began writing this post, I prayed to the Lord, asking that as I remember and account the brokenness I’m going to share, that He would use it to bring life to others. Just a little over a year ago, on August 1, 2016, I was sitting in the waiting room of a cardiology…

Let’s Get Something Straight…

“Perfect” used to be something that I strived for. I always wanted to say the perfect thing at the perfect time. I wanted to post perfect pictures, have a perfect relationship that everyone admired, have it all together, and handle every situation I faced flawlessly. And sadly, I fooled many people into thinking I accomplished…


This weekend, we had a bachelorette party for my very best friend since kindergarten. We drank, celebrated, laughed, hit the bars, went to a rooftop Cubs game, and had brunch. It was an amazing weekend and everyone had a blast, especially the bride-to-be, so you really couldn’t ask for much more! Now I’m back home,…

Fixer Upper

I LOVE HGTV. Fixer Upper and Home Town are two of my favorite shows. There is something so beautiful to me about taking an old, run down house, seeing all of the potential it has, then renewing it to be the very best it could be. These types of shows are becoming wildly popular, and…

Broken & Proud of it

A lot of people kind of know parts of my story, but I just wanted to clarify… My life is certainly not defined by the death of my dad, but I’d be completely lying if I said that it didn’t/still doesn’t have a crazy huge impact on me. This is what my life looked before…